Cleidocranial Dysostosis- A Case Report
Cleidocranial dysostosis, Ghana, Genetic, Disorder, Jaws, DentitionAbstract
Objective: First report of cleidocranial dysostosis (CCD), a rare genetic disorder, in Ghana.
Case report and intervention: The condition presented in a 13 year old boy with most of the classical features. He had cranial features in the form of open fontanelles, underdeveloped paranasal air sinuses and hypertelorism. Thoracic features were severely
underdeveloped clavicles which allowed him to appose both shoulders in the midline. He had an open bite, several unerupted permanent teeth and several retained teeth most of which were discoloured which was why he was seen at the Dental department. After restoration of some of these teeth the patient was very satisfied.
Conclusion: Though the definitive treatment in these patients can be sophisticated major craniofacial surgery, early restoration of malformed teeth can help ease patient’s anxiety and improve quality of life.
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